Judge Albright: Regular and Established Place of Business of Hyundai at Authorized Dealers

Last week, Judge Alan Albright denied Hyundai’s motion to dismiss StratosAudio’s patent infringement claims for improper venue.  Although Hyundai does not directly control any regular and established place of business in the Western District of Texas, it does have authorized dealers there.  Based on the contractual control exerted over those dealerships by Hyundai, Judge Albright […]

2021 Patent Litigation Trials in the Western District of Texas


By Vincent J. Allen. It is no secret that the Waco Division of the Western District of Texas is the rising star of patent litigation.  Judge Alan Albright successfully marketed the district to patent infringement plaintiffs to become the country’s busiest patent judge.  One attraction of the Western District is that Judge Albright moves his […]

Waco Division Update: Albright Denies Google’s Section 101 Motion to Dismiss

  By Vincent J. Allen. As discussed in a prior post, the Waco Division of the Western District of Texas has seen a rise in patent infringement suits.  Plaintiffs are filing in Waco because of Judge Alan Albright’s promise to efficiently resolve patent disputes.  Judge Albright has also made clear that he does not favor […]