IP Strategy

Our newest service offerings include market leading analysis and data visualization to help you navigate crowded areas—or white space.

Consulting Services

IP Strategy can take many forms, but without a plan and a direction your IP portfolio can fall behind others in the marketplace. Balance in an IP portfolio is a necessity for portfolio growth, and risk management. As a company grows there are often more IP assets that can be utilized to increase the value of the company. Missed opportunities can create long lasting effects that more often than not result in negative impacts on the company.

Patent citation graph

Patent citations are one of the quickest indicators of a patent’s importance—the more citations, the better a patent can be, and accordingly its value may increase. Check out our new Patent Citation Checker app and get a downloadable PDF of the forward and backward citations for any patent. It’s free and can be a helpful tool in reviewing your patents (or a competitor’s).

Note, this web app is still in beta. We’d love your feedback—is this helpful? Anything else that you wish it showed in the report? Please let us know!